Selasa, 04 April 2017

Be Thankful

Be Thankful

Being thankful is something that is so important. There’s always something in life that we should be grateful for. Through my 15 years journey of life I have met someone and many things to be grateful for. For example  Someone I am most thankful for is definitely my parents.  They’re the one who has watch me grow and supported me through this day. And also my brothers and sister who has been a great example for me and be a good siblings. I’m also thankful for my friends who helped me with many things  and cheer me up when I’m feeling down.
The title of this post is about being thankful. And I wanna tell you guys about the story that happened to me on one rainy day. It was pouring rain and I went to got out of my car to get inside the grocery store in the middle of traffic and because it was such a rush (the car behind mine keeps honking, we were’nt supposed to stop) I didn’t realize that I dropped my charger, my driver tried to shout at me but i can’t heard him clearly because of the honk and the pouring rain so i quickly ran inside the store before my clothes got wet. When we’re done doing the groceries my driver told me that my charger fell down in the rain so then I got out and ask the people around there if they saw a charger around the road and when I gave up and went back to my car there’s this man that knock on my car window and asked if the thing that’s on his hand is my charger and it turned out that is my charger and he gave me back my charger. Surprisingly when i got home and tested the charger it still worked. And I’m thankful for that man who saved my charger because if i lose it, it can cost me pretty much to buy it again. And that’s my story about how we can e thankful for the small things that happened in our life.

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